Natasza Deddner

conceptual artist

Concept I in progress...

question of reaction

Art as the solution to problems, seen by all, yet still misunderstood due to an unwillingness to engage in any form of understanding

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Concept II in progress...

modern life

Concept III in progress...

how to be a good woman

What role may women assume in our society?

What role is assigned to her by society and sold to her as feminist liberation?

Is this really a self-determined life that women lead today?

Or is it an alienated life that ends in the slavery of modern society?

Working Now

Concept IV in progress...

metamorphoses and the search for identity

The position determines perception

Concept V in progress...

street art

Concept VI in progress...


about colours in life

Concept VII in progress...

art is resistance - upshot I



project funded by


art is resistance - upshot II

Project funded by




ad campaign wwl 

world wide life 

Concept X in progress…
