natasza deddner



As a conceptual artist and founder of Studio Natasza Deddner, Natasza serves as the primary source of inspiration and intellectual driving force for the studio's ambitious projects. Her artistic vision and commitment to a sustainable future are pivotal, not only in transforming cities into dynamic social interfaces. She perceives urban centers as incubators of societal innovation and strives to democratize access to art through her artistic interventions and intensify civic engagement. The implementation of greening projects on facades and roofs is one element of the studio's interdisciplinary approach, aimed at strengthening the ecological resilience of urban areas. These measures contribute not only to the amelioration of the microclimate but also promote biological diversity and create vital havens for city populations.

The team at Studio Natasza Deddner acts as the executive body for her visionary concepts, realizing projects that go far beyond mere aesthetic enhancement. The studio's work integrates historical, cultural, political, and social dimensions with the aim of sustainably designing urban spaces. Here, innovative approaches to vertical gardens and green roofscapes play a prominent role.

The interdisciplinary collective at Studio Natasza Deddner comprises cultural manager, marketing experts, craftsmen experts, specialized technicians, architects, urban planners, archivists, art historians, as well as web and graphic designers. In close collaboration with Natasza, their activities include the conception, production, and installation of artworks and projects. The collective engages in experimental practice, archiving, scientific research, publications, and communication in the field of art. The studio initiates workshops and events with the goal of deepening artistic and intellectual exchange with actors beyond the traditional art sector.

Furthermore, Natasza initiates digital innovations such as applications to address urban challenges, with a particular focus on emission-free solutions. These digital developments complement the physical interventions of the studio and contribute to establishing an environmentally conscious vision for the future.

In her artistic practice, Natasza critically examines complex social dynamics and power structures. Her concepts challenge established assumptions and open up alternative perspectives. This commitment to sustainability is also evident in fashion: The studio's exclusive clothing line is designed incorporating ecological principles and represents a symbiosis of art and fashion with a pronounced environmental awareness.

Natasza's work serves as a catalyst for discourse as well as educational initiatives and promotes social change. She encourages individuals to reflect on their societal role and actively participate in shaping a more equitable future – including contributing to the development of green cities.

The Rijeka Urban Roller Coaster

Based on the idea that everything is in a state of flux, in motion, which entails constant change and means that a given constellation can never be reproduced identically. This applies to all areas of life, on every level.

The river therefore signifies never-ending change. Rijeka’s name embodies change. Everything is in motion, nothing stands still, nothing can ever be reconstructed.

This river will flow at high speed through Rijeka's streets, between the houses, offering a heightened experience of today’s fast pace of life. Flashes of insight into the lives of the people of Rijeka, a snapshot of situations that never return, enhanced by the individual viewer’s choice of a vantage point from which to perceive them.

The safe construction of the roller coaster, directly connected to the city, is a solid foundation for change - and gives everyone the opportunity to actively participate in it without hazard.


redesign of urban spaces

Under the leadership of Natasza Deddner, we are committed to democratizing access to art and intensifying civic engagement.

• Our Mission

We believe that urban centers can serve as incubators for social innovation. Through artistic interventions, we aim to foster this potential while simultaneously enhancing the ecological resilience of urban areas. Our projects go far beyond aesthetic enhancements; they integrate historical, cultural, political, and social dimensions with the goal of sustainable urban design.

• Historical and Cultural Background

Cities have always played a central role in the development of civilizations. From ancient metropolises like Athens and Rome to modern megacities like New York and Tokyo, urban centers have always been places of cultural exchange, innovation, and social change. These cities served as hubs for trade, science, art, and politics.

During the Renaissance, for example, cities like Florence and Venice experienced a golden age of art and culture made possible by the patronage of wealthy citizens. These historical examples show how closely the development of urban spaces is linked with artistic and cultural activities.

Today, cities face new challenges: climate change, social inequality, and political tensions require innovative solutions. This is where our work comes in. We use the rich cultural history of urban centers as a source of inspiration and combine it with modern approaches to solve current problems.

• Interdisciplinary Approaches

Studio Natasza Deddner designs and transforms urban spaces by adhering to principles of zero-emission strategy, inclusivity, and sustainability. These maxims are deeply rooted in the studio's philosophy and are reflected in every aspect of our projects. The projects often reflect local history and traditions by reinterpreting historical and cultural structures.

Our concepts are characterized by a multidisciplinary approach that combines art, philosophy, and environmental sciences. This approach enables us to develop innovative solutions for the complex challenges facing urban environments in the 21st century.

A central component of our work is the implementation of greening projects on facades and roofs. These measures aim to enhance the ecological resilience of urban areas by not only improving the microclimate but also promoting biodiversity and creating vital retreats for city dwellers. Innovative approaches to vertical gardens and green rooftops play a prominent role here.

• Sustainable Technologies

In terms of reducing emissions, the studio implements advanced technologies and materials that support an emission-free environment. By using renewable energy sources and promoting eco-friendly mobility, we help minimize the carbon footprint of urban areas. The integration of green spaces and living systems into our designs also promotes biodiversity and helps create microclimates that improve urban well-being.

• Inclusivity

Inclusivity is another central concern of our studio. Our designs are developed with a universal approach to ensure they are accessible to people of all ages and abilities. This includes careful consideration of accessibility as well as creating multifunctional spaces that can meet diverse usage requirements.

• Social Responsibility

Through her visionary work, Natasza demonstrates the potential of conceptual art as a catalyst for transformative processes in urban contexts. They serve as models for forward-looking urban development that addresses urgent needs for ecological sustainability, social justice, and inclusive community design.

art in architecture

The artistic intervention in the urban context is characterized by a reduction to the essentials, with each form and material carefully selected to ensure both aesthetic purity and functional clarity. The studio's minimalist philosophy manifests itself in clean lines and simple geometric shapes, creating a harmonious relationship between the structure and its surroundings. This reduced formal language allows viewers to focus on the essential aspects of the work while fostering an atmosphere of calm and reflection within the often hectic urban space.

In its practice of public art, Studio Natasza Deddner integrates environmentally friendly technologies and materials that not only contribute to reducing emissions but also ensure the longevity and ease of maintenance of the works. The use of recycled or locally sourced resources aligns with the minimalist approach by avoiding unnecessary consumption and minimizing ecological impact. Inclusivity is ensured through barrier-free design elements that allow people of all abilities to interact with the artworks. The studio places importance on making its creations not only visually appealing but also capable of providing tactile and multisensory experiences.

This integrative approach is reflected in conscious placement and accessibility, ensuring that the artworks are accessible to a broad audience. Sustainability is another core principle of the studio. By employing energy-efficient lighting systems and considering life cycle analyses, the studio strives to minimize the ecological footprint of its artworks. Additionally, it actively promotes environmental awareness through didactic elements within its projects.

In summary, Studio Natasza Deddner's minimalist approach to public art embodies a synthesis of formal reduction and ecological responsibility. The studio's works are distinguished by their timeless elegance and serve as silent witnesses to an ethically grounded artistic practice aimed at sustainably enriching and transforming urban spaces.

public art

slow fashion

digital solutions