Natasza deddner
conceptual artist
"pieces of one" addresses the fragmentations and disparities in our society. Through a combination of visual art, installations, and performative elements, the project compellingly depicts the disintegration of social structures and the resulting challenges. It highlights issues such as social inequality, political polarization, and the often inadequate response of institutional actors to these problems.
The idea for the project stemmed from my fundamental belief that all people are equal. Due to my migration background, the question of my identity has always been present throughout my years living in Germany. The issue of one's own identity and the search for it is exacerbated by xenophobia. Latent and increasingly overt racism still prevails in Germany and across Europe. As a result, I sought a way to counteract this.From my perspective, art is a crucial factor in contributing to societal awareness, provided that the interplay of different artistic media offers many people easy access without losing its depth.
pieces of one #0 Identity
In the tension between cultural diversity and societal narrow-mindedness, an artistic process emerges that understands the fragmentation of the self as a creative force
Natasza Deddner
© Zbigniew Bajek, Natasza Deddner
Zbigniew Bajek • Jörg Ulrich Krah • Max Deddner • Orhan Çalışır • Natalia Neumann • Alma Portič
BV Gallery in Klagenfurt
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zum Herunterladen: Ausstellungskatalog #0 Identität